Video Lectures With AI-Generated Instructors: Low Video Engagement, Same Performance as Human Instructors

ARKÜN KOCADERE S., Caglar-Ozhan S.

INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN OPEN AND DISTRIBUTED LEARNING, vol.25, no.3, pp.350-369, 2024 (SSCI) identifier identifier


Via AI video generators, it is possible to create educational videos with humanistic instructors by simply providing a script. The characteristics of video types and features of instructors in videos impact video engagement and, consequently, performance. This study aimed to compare the impact of human instructors and AI-generated instructors in video lectures on video engagement and academic performance. Additionally, the study aimed to examine students' opinions on both types of videos. Convergent-parallel approach mixed method was used in this study. A total of 108 undergraduate students participated: 48 in the experimental group, 52 in the control group, and eight in the focus group. While the experimental group (AI-generated instructor) and control group (human instructor) watched 10 minutes of two videos each in two weeks, the students in the focus group watched both types of videos with human and AI-generated instructors. Data were collected through the Video Engagement Scale (VES) after the experimental process, and the Academic Performance Test as a pretest and posttest was administered in both groups. The findings of the experimental part revealed that learners' video engagement was higher in the course with the human instructor compared to the course with the AI-generated instructor. However, the instructor type did not have a significant effect on academic performance. The results based on the qualitative part showed that students thought the AI-generated instructor caused distraction, discomfort, and disconnectedness. However, when the video lesson topic was interesting or when students focused on the video with the intention of learning, these feelings could be ignored. In conclusion, even in today's conditions, there is no difference in performance between human and AI-generated instructors. As AI technology continues to develop, the difference in engagement is expected to disappear, and AI-generated instructors could be used effectively in video lectures.