Correlation of vascular risk age with pulse wave velocity in young patients with low absolute cardiovascular risk

Asil S., Tokgozoglu L., YORGUN H., KABAKCI M. G., AYTEMİR K., ÖZER N.

TURK KARDIYOLOJI DERNEGI ARSIVI-ARCHIVES OF THE TURKISH SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY, vol.49, no.3, pp.214-222, 2021 (ESCI) identifier identifier identifier identifier


Objective: The systematic coronary risk evaluation (SCORE) estimates the 10-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease (CVD), and its application is recommended. The absolute risk of CVD, independent of risk factors, is relatively low in young individuals. Expressing the risk as their "risk age" may aid in understanding the risk. This study aimed to demonstrate a possible correlation between vascular risk age, SCORE risk value, and the level of subclinical atherosclerosis evaluated using a pulse wave velocity (PWV) device.