Journal of Computing in Higher Education, vol.30, no.2, pp.386-405, 2018 (SSCI)
This study explores the perception of exclusion in online social networks by synthesizing the Corresponding Fields Model (Helsper in Commun Theory 22(4):403–426, 2012). The predictors in the model, including access barriers, insecurity, usage competencies, and cultural mismatch, was empirically tested based on data from 480 undergraduate online social networks users in Turkey. Structural equation modeling was employed to assess the association between the predictors and the perceived exclusion in online social networks. The results indicated that access barriers, insecurity, and cultural mismatch were significant predictors of the perception of exclusion in online social networks, while usage competencies had not a significant influence. Perception of exclusion was explained substantially by insecurity, followed by cultural mismatch and access barriers.