5th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES), Rome, Italy, 5 - 08 February 2013, vol.116, pp.3716-3721
Many relationships exist between language arts and mathematics. These relations become apparent in NCTM's process standards (2000). McIntosh, (1991) emphasized the importance of using various language art skills to enhance mathematics learning. Curriculum standards have potential to show teachers the possible ways and targeted objectives of a content area (Clements et al., 2009). As a result, in this study through content analyses of Common Core State Standards-English Language Arts (CCSS-ELA) we aim to identify potential contribution of the targeted objectives and skills mentioned in ELA standards K-2 to children's mathematical reasoning and practices. Results of the study indicate that language art standards emphasize the importance of using the tools such as communication, multiple representation and understanding in mathematical reasoning. (C) 2013 The Authors Published by Elsevier Ltd.