The study of quenched bond randomness by Wang-Landau algorithm

Yasar F.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C, vol.18, no.7, pp.1107-1117, 2007 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Monte Carlo simulations using the recently proposed Wang-Landau algorithm are performed to the q = 8 state Potts model in two dimension with various degrees of randomness. We systematically studied the effect of quenched bond randomness to system which has first-order phase transition. All simulations and measurements were done from pure case r = 1 to r = 0.4. Physical quantities such as energy density and ground-state entropy were evaluated at all temperatures. We have also obtained probability distributions of energy to monitor softening of transitions. It appears quite feasible to simulate spin systems with quenched bond randomness by Wang-Landau algorithm.