An Investigation of Noise Effects on Natural Heritage and Historic Building Materials

Binal A.

12th International IAEG Congress, Torino, Italy, 15 - 19 September 2014, pp.1343-1346 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/978-3-319-09048-1_256
  • City: Torino
  • Country: Italy
  • Page Numbers: pp.1343-1346
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


Generally, researchers have investigated an effect of noise in the building close busy city roads. Rare studies are available for the investigation of the harmful effects of noise on historic buildings and natural heritages, which occurs due to the music concert, traffic, etc. In this study, fossiliferous limestone used in the constructions of many palaces and mosques of Ottoman Empire; sandstone used as construction materials in old buildings in Erzurum and mudstone of main rock of earth pillars in the Geo-park area (Kula/Manisa) have been exposed distinct sound power levels (80-130 dB) in a new experimental device. Noise test durations were changed between 1 and 1,200 min. At the end of noise applications, samples were tested in order to determine the variations in sonic velocity, porosity, water absorption by weight, unit weight and uniaxial compressive strength. Some disintegration was observed at the surface of rock samples exposed bigger than 80 dB of the noise level. Apparent porosity and water absorption by weight have increased as well as unit weight, sonic velocity and compressive strength of samples have decreased due to the noise effects. After 127 dB of the sound level, large amount weight loss was occurred in the mudstone samples.