BELLETEN, vol.86, no.305, pp.1-37, 2022 (AHCI)
Ceramic samples dating to the Chalcolithic Age were found in layers H I-IV during the studies carried out in Chamber B of the Karain Cave. It has been observed that the samples including the early, middle and late periods of the age are quite mixed at the bottom edges of the cave, especially in the H I - III layers. Within the scope of this article, characteristic ceramic samples dating to the Middle Chalcolithic Period included in the mentioned mixed material were evaluated. Basket-handled bowls, mushroom-headed handled bowls and spurred-handled pots included in ceramic samples are the products of the common ceramic culture extending from Troas to the Lycian region. Malkaya Cave, Tavabasi Asagi Cave and Karain Cave located in the mentioned cultural region are important in terms of showing that there are not only mound settlements in the region but also cave settlements using the same cultural materials. In addition, when the ceramics and other findings from Chamber B are evaluated together; it is thought that the cave was not used seasonally, had common cultural materials extending from Troas to the Lycian region, but had been used continuously by the people who had preferred a different life style.