Performance optimization of induction motors during voltage-controlled soft starting

Zenginobuz G., Cadirci I., Ermis M., Barlak C.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, vol.19, no.2, pp.278-288, 2004 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


This paper deals with the performance optimization of medium/high-power induction motors during soft starting by eliminating the supply frequency torque pulsations, and by keeping the line current constant at the preset value. Starting torque pulsations are eliminated by triggering back-to-back-connected thyristors at proper points on the first supply voltage cycle. Line current during starting can be kept constant at any preset value by a simple strategy composed of successive cosinusoidal and constant function segments of the triggering angle. These strategies are implemented by the use of an 8-b microcontroller. Transient performance analyses of the system are carried out by means of a hybrid ABC/dq machine model which takes into account the three-phase, two-phase, and disconnected modes of operation in terms of actual stator variables. Experimental results obtained on a custom-design test bed are found to be in good agreement with the theoretical ones.