ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, cilt.64, sa.4, ss.949-964, 2011 (SCI-Expanded)
Landslides and their assessments are of great importance since they damage properties, infrastructures, environment, lives and so on. Particularly, landslide inventory, susceptibility, and hazard or risk mapping have become important issues in the last few decades. Such maps provide useful information and can be produced by qualitative or quantitative methods. The work presented in this paper aimed to assess landslide susceptibility in a selected area, covering 570.625 km(2) in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey, by two quantitative methods. For this purpose, in the first stage, a detailed landslide inventory map was prepared by extensive field studies. A total of 96 landslides were mapped during these studies. To perform landslide susceptibility analyses, six input parameters such as topographical elevation, lithology, land use, slope, aspect and distance to streams were considered. Two quantitative methods, logistic regression and fuzzy approach, were used to assess landslide susceptibility in the selected area. For the fuzzy approach, the fuzzy and, or, algebraic product, algebraic sum and gamma operators were considered. At the final stage, 18 landslide susceptibility maps were produced by the logistic regression and fuzzy operators in a GIS (Geographic Information System) environment. Two performance indicators such as ROC (relative operating characteristics) and cosine amplitude method (r(ij)) were used to validate the final susceptibility maps. Based on the analyses, the landslide susceptibility map produced by the fuzzy gamma operator with a level of 0.975 showed the best performance. In addition, the maps produced by the logistic regression, fuzzy algebraic product and the higher levels of gamma operators showed more satisfactory results, while the fuzzy and, or, algebraic sum maps were not sufficient to provide reliable outputs.