Comparison of digital X-ray radiogrammetry and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in pre- and postmenopausal women


Journal of Rheumatology and Medical Rehabilitation, vol.19, no.1, pp.1-5, 2008 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 19 Issue: 1
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Journal Name: Journal of Rheumatology and Medical Rehabilitation
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-5
  • Keywords: Bone mineral density, Digital X-ray radiogrammetry, Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, Metacarpal index, Porosity
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


Objectives: Digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR), a technique used for assessment of the bone status, has been compared with the gold standard -Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)- in order to evaluate its clinical applicability. However, to our best notice, this correlation has not been investigated in premenopausal women separately. Thus this current study was planned to detect whether DXR is clinically applicable specifically with regard to the premenopausal women population. Material and Methods: Conventional radiographs of non-dominant hands were performed in 41 premenopausal and 30 postmenopausal women. DXR parameters Bone mineral density (BMD)DXR, metacarpal index, cortical thickness, and porosity index) were estimated using Pronosco X-posure System. DXA measurements of the lumbar spine and hip were performed using Hologic QDR-4500 DXA machine. Results: In premenopausal women, BMDDXR were correlated with BMD of femur total; however, no correlation was detected with BMD of the lumbar spine and the femur neck. Although cortical thickness and metacarpal index revealed significant correlations with femoral BMD measurements (femoral neck and femur total), there was no correlation with BMD of the lumbar spine. In postmenopausal women, BMDDXR and cortical thickness was significantly correlated with all BMDDXA measurements. However metacarpal index was not correlated with any of BMDDXA measurements. In addition to these, none of the DXA values were found to be associated with the porosity index. Conclusion: DXR might be sufficient to determine whether the postmenopausal women are under the risk of osteoporosis. However, it seems to have limited value for premenopausal women in this aspect. Copyright © 2008 by Türk Tibbi Rehabilitasyon Kurumu Derneǧi.