Do Different Respondent Selection Methods Mean Different Survey Estimates? Evidence from 2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey

Saraç M., Koç İ.

AAPOR 74th Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 16 - 19 May 2019

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Unpublished
  • City: Toronto
  • Country: Canada
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


Respondent selection methods which follow probabilistic sampling procedures to get a representative sample are widely used in household surveys. Selecting an eligible respondent among household members to interview is mostly employed with the aim of reducing cost, namely both time and money, obtaining higher cooperation rates as well as taking precaution in sensitive surveys. Together with households, all women at the reproductive age (15-49) who live in selected households are the main sample units of 2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS-2013). In other words, any respondent selection process is not employed and as a result, all eligible women in households are interviewed in the context of TDHS-2013. In this sense, main research question is to ask the question on how would main characteristics of women (age, years of schooling, working status and etc…) and demographic indicators (number of children, number of pregnancy, total fertility rate and etc..) differ with the use of various respondent selection techniques (last birth day method, first birth day method, Kish method, full enumeration method, oldest women method, youngest women method, TCB method and arbitrary convenience method) compared to survey estimates of TDHS-2013. The findings put forward that although the results of any selection methods are close to each other and close to survey estimates of TDHS-2013, most of the estimates produced by last birthday method and Kish method are much closer to survey estimates compared with other selection techniques. This implies that although interviewing with all eligible women in households may be reasonable in TDHS-2013 in order to produce unbiased estimates for all the indicators even for rare events, it appears to be possible to reach closer estimates within the same confidence intervals by using one of the respondent selection methods, such as last birthday method and Kish method.