Introduction Anti-rods and rings (anti-RR) antibodies have recently been described as a cytoplasmic pattern in IIF-based screening of autoantibodies on HEp-2 cells and ICAP has named it as AC-23. It is most frequently related to drug-induced antibody generation. This study aimed to investigate the clinical significance of AC-23 positivity and its relevance to the diagnosis and/or follow-up of the associated diseases and/or drug use.Methods A multicenter retrospective study was conducted among 10 hospitals from six different provinces in T & uuml;rkiye from January 2017 to December 2021. The laboratory data and clinical information of 600 patients with positive anti-RR antibodies out of 547.558 HEp-2 IIF ANA samples were analyzed.Results The distribution of AC-23 positive patients by year indicated a steady increase between 2017-2021. Anti-RR prevalence in post-COVID-19 period was significantly higher than that of pre-COVID-19 period (p=0.00). Concomitant ANA positivity was detected in 56.5% of patients, the most common patterns being AC-4 and AC-5 (41.1%). The most frequent pathology among the anti-RR positive patients was an autoimmune disease (19.83%); 28.57% of which had rheumatoid arthritis and 17.65% autoimmune liver disease. Among the 600 patients, 65 (10.83%) were diagnosed as hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Available data for 38 of the HCV patients revealed that 71.05% of them had a history of interferon alfa+ribavirin and 28.95% of them had a history of NS3/4/5A/5B polymerase inhibitor or protease inhibitor drug use. Significant increase in the rate of anti-RR positivity was observed in the post-COVID-19 period when compared to pre-COVID-19 period (p:0.00).Discussion This is the first multicenter study in T & uuml;rkiye about the clinical association of anti-RR antibodies which may be ignored during routine HEp-2 IIF testing. Pathologies other than HCV should be taken into consideration in terms of the possible role of anti-RR in autoimmune diseases and other pathologies. The preliminary data obtained in this study suggest that anti-RR antibody development might also be associated to COVID-19, supporting the several previous data related to the potential of viruses triggering the formation of autoantibodies. Large-scale prospective studies should elucidate the clinical significance of RR pattern and determine its role in patient diagnosis and follow-up.