European Congress of Sports Science, Paris, Fransa, 4 - 07 Temmuz 2023, ss.773
INTRODUCTION: There is a wealth of research investigating on the match characteristics of regular soccer whereas match demands of amputee soccer game is scarce. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyse the match demands of amputee soccer game.
METHODS: Ratings of perceived exertion, heart rate (HR) and blood lactate were analyzed as physiological responses and peak speed, total distance covered (TD), TD at five speed categories (SC), percentages of TD at five SC and time spent in four maximal heart rate (HRmax) zones were analyzed as activity patterns during amputee soccer matches (n=22). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to analyze the normality of the variables. The deviation from the normal distribution is insignificant for all variables (p>0.05) and they are presented as means and standard deviations unless otherwise stated. A paired sample t-test was conducted to determine the differences in activity patterns and physiological parameters between the halves. Cohen’s d effect size (ES) (trivial=< .19; small= .20–.59; medium= .60–1.19; large=1.20–1.99 and very large=> 2.0) was used to measure the paired effects.12,13 Differences between the halves in TD at five SC and percent-ages of TD at five SC were determined with 2 x 5 (half x SC) two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Differences be-tween the halves in time spent at HRmax% was determined with 2 x 4 (half x HRmax) two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. In case of significant difference, Bonferroni’s post-hoc tests were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS (v. 22.0) with the level of significance at p≤ .05.
RESULTS: The mean HR in the first half was higher than the second half (p=.049) whereas other physiological responses were not statistically different between the halves (p>0.05). TD in the first half was higher than the second half (p=.000) and players covered more distance at lower SC in both halves and during matches. TD at very low SC accounted for ~73 % whereas low, moderate, high and very high efforts accounted for ~27 % of the TD. Amputee soccer players spent ~46 min at moderate and high intensity HRmax zones whereas these accounted only about ~4 min at very low and low inten-sity HRmax zones during 50 min matches.
CONCLUSION: The results of the current study showed that physiological responses during amputee soccer game were not differed between the halves except HRmean response. Results of the activity profiles revealed similar Speedmax at-tained in the halves whereasTD, percentage of the mean TD at various SC and time spent at HRpeak% during amputee soccer game were differed according to the halves. These results confirm that exercise intensity in amputee soccer is high and amputee soccer players are under high physiological loads and they play amputee soccer at higher percentages of individual HRmax.