British International Association Studies Annual Conference, Glasgow, İngiltere, 21 - 23 Haziran 2023
This paper aims to examine and explore this nexus in the example of Turkish governmental and non-governmental
participation in the norm-making processes within the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). As of
2021, a total of 59 Turkish non-governmental organizations obtained consultancy status at ECOSOC and participated
in the work of the Council. While Turkish diplomatic missions and non-governmental organizations
participate in the work of ECOSOC, their contributions (including the contestatory ones) to normative debates
remain overlooked – while the governmental involvements may be said to be overlooked due to the recent
realpolitik agenda of the government, the non-governmental side of the story remains unreasonably disregarded.
An inquiry into the latter would well reveal a non-Western account of public expectations from and
perceptions of the UN normative system. The paper intends to reflect on this by seeking answers to the following
questions: (i) What are the motivations of diplomatic channels and civil society from Turkey to participate
in ECOSOC?; (ii) How do they contribute to norm development processes in the Council (contestatory or supportive)?
and (iii) how do the diplomatic missions and civil society interact as part of the normative agenda
and works of the Council? The findings are based on (i) verbal and written statements by representatives of
government and non-governmental organizations from Turkey at ECOSOC meetings between 2000 and 2020
and on (ii) interviews conducted with government officials and civil society representatives. The paper will
present the preliminary findings of an ongoing project funded by the Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).