10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, İspanya, 7 - 09 Mart 2016, ss.778-784
This study aimed to explore new educational approaches to empower teachers' ICT competencies, beliefs and intentions to use ICT effectively in their classrooms. Thus, a professional development (PD) program on ICT integration was developed. PD content was based on educational use of ICT rather than basic ICT competencies. PD strategy was based on the assumption of using ICT was to teach ICT. Concrete tasks were given to teachers in order to study on real life examples. Also teacher attitudes and reflections were shared such as how can new technologies could be used in education. Finally, teachers prepared plans for integrating ICT on specific topics with colleagues. PD program was carried out on Moodle as PD media and in the school computer laboratory as PD site with a combination of face to face and online environments. Teachers' reflections regarding ICT competencies, beliefs and intention were collected after the PD course ended in order to evaluate the PD process. Data was collected from 15 teachers working in a secondary school in the capital city of Turkey through semi structured interview, documents and focus group interviews. As a result of data analysis, teachers expressed that there is a positive change in their competencies, belief and intention to establish ICT integration. The results suggested that PD design was useful in enhancing teachers' competencies, beliefs and intentions, but only as a starting point. Recommendations for effective strategies and content were discussed while acknowledging the limitations of the current study.