The measurement of the stress state of Turkey by Acoustic Emission (AE) method

Ulusay R., Tuncay E., TANO H., WATANABE H., AYDAN O.

3rd International Symposium on Rock Stress, Kumamoto, Japan, 4 - 06 November 2003, pp.255-260 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Kumamoto
  • Country: Japan
  • Page Numbers: pp.255-260
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, the results of in-situ stress inferences from the Acoustic Emission (AE) tests obtained from the oriented core specimens, which were extracted from the blocks sampled from various open pit and underground mines, tunnels and quarries in Turkey, are presented and assessed. The results reveal that there are some similarities between the vertical stresses determined from the AE technique and theoretically calculated overburden stresses, while some of them show differences. In addition, the stress state inferred from focal plane solutions of large earthquakes, fault striations and GPS measurements are used to check the validity of stress measurements by the AE method. So far, the in-situ stress inference results by the AE method reasonably agree with those inferred from other methods.