Bıyıklı B., Sevgül S., DÜNDAR H.

27th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, IMCET 2022, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 25 March 2022, pp.895-903 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.895-903
  • Keywords: cyanide leaching, fine grinding, gold tailings, Oxide gold ore, ultrafine grinding
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


© IMCET 2022. All rights reserved.Ultra-fine grinding has been employed mainly to extract gold from refractory ores in which the gold particles are encapsulated. The liberation of gold particles, as well as the increased surface area achieved by ultra-fine grinding enhance the cyanide leaching performance. In contrast to refractory gold ores, oxidized ores are processed at relatively coarser sizes obtained by conventional grinding. This study is focused on the recovery of gold from oxide ore residue by utilizing fine grinding. The ore residue from a plant processing by agitated tank leaching was used in this study. The particle size (d80) of the residue is approximately 75 micrometers (μμμμm) and according to the chemical analysis results, it contains 0.52 ppm (g/tonne) Au. It is aimed to increase the gold dissolution efficiency by decreasing the particle size by fine/ultrafine grinding, allowing the gold to be liberated. After the grindings carried out at different times, the particle sizes of leaching were determined as 75, 38, 31, 20, 12 and 6 (μμμμm) (d80), respectively. For each particle size, leaching (bottle roll) tests were carried out in the laboratory under predetermined test conditions, and recovery of gold dissolution found as 15, 62% and 36.37%, 40.12%, 57.65%, 63.99%, 91.48%, respectively. These results showed that, as expected, fine grinding had a positive effect on the dissolution of not only refractory but also oxidized gold ore.