Application of the BRAFO tiered approach for benefit-risk assessment to case studies on dietary interventions

Verhagen H., Andersen R., Antoine J., Finglas P., Hoekstra J., Kardinaal A., ...More

FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, vol.50, 2012 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


The respective examples, described in this paper, illustrate how the BRAFO-tiered approach, on benefit-risk assessment, can be tested on a wide range of case studies. Various results were provided, ranging from a quick stop as the result of non-genuine benefit-risk questions to continuation through the tiers into deterministic/probabilistic calculations. The paper illustrates the assessment of benefits and risks associated with dietary interventions. The BRAFO tiered approach is tested with five case studies. In each instance, the benefit-risk approach is tested on the basis of existing evaluations for the individual effects done by others: no new risk or benefit evaluations were made. The following case studies were thoroughly analysed: an example of food fortification, folic acid fortification of flour, macronutrient replacement/food substitution; the isocaloric replacement of saturated fatty acids with carbohydrates; the replacement of saturated fatty acids with monounsaturated fatty acids; the replacement of sugar-sweetened beverages containing mono- and disaccharides with low calorie sweeteners and an example of addition of specific ingredients to food: chlorination of drinking water. (C) 2011 ILSI Europe. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.