3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2016, Albena, Bulgaria, 24 - 30 August 2016, pp.341-350
All architectural styles emerge as an expression of philosophical conventions, physical and emotional expectectations and aesthetic criterias of the time periods to which they belong. International style is a reflection in the 20th century of the period that transformed radically. This period called as modernity, shaped with a thought model based on rationalizm which turned from normative epistemology to speculative epistemology. Industrial Revolution in the 18th century and according to this, the birth of capitalism as a new production-consumption system, shaped the communities in accordance with its own requirements. All of these left communities face to face with the spatial problems which have broken links with every type of the traditional thougths and pratics. International style is an approach that tries to acommodate the architecture with the new culture and looking for answers to the problems of modernization. Its claim of universality, expression of its abstraction adopted all over the world and spreaded rapidly. After the second half of the 20th century, this state is called placelessness, which is the negation of the aforementioned proliferation. In the loss of the cultural authenticity and the improvements that weakens the people's sensation of belonging is thought as the effectiveness of the International Style.