Striae Gravidarum, Vitamin C and Other Related Factors

Findik R. B., Hascelik N. K., Akin K. O., Unluer A. N., Karakaya J.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR VITAMIN AND NUTRITION RESEARCH, cilt.81, sa.1, ss.43-48, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Background: Striae gravidarum, a clinical condition commonly seen in pregnant women, produces serious cosmetic problems and may lead to psychological problems. Aim: The present study investigated whether there was any relation between the presence of striae in primigravid pregnant women and blood vitamin C levels, and factors thought to contribute to the formation of striae such as family history, weight gained during pregnancy, smoking status, abdominal and thigh circumference, and age. Methods: Overall, 69 primigravid women attending routine antenatal follow-up and, using prophylactic iron and vitamin preparations, underwent investigation. All were pregnant 36 or more weeks. Scoring was based on striae examination and whether striae were present. The relation between the presence of striae, vitamin C blood levels, and other factors was investigated. Results and Conclusions: Multiple logistic regression analysis showed a significant relation between the presence of striae and blood vitamin C levels (p = 0.046) and between the presence of striae and family history (p = 0.023). No significant relation was found between the presence of striae and age, weight gained during pregnancy, abdominal and thigh circumference, or smoking status. It was concluded that further, more comprehensive studies on the issue are required.