Knowledge and Practice Regarding Emergency Contraception Among University Students

Karaduman F., Terzioglu F.

TURKIYE KLINIKLERI TIP BILIMLERI DERGISI, vol.28, no.6, pp.899-908, 2008 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Objective: Emergency contraception after unprotected sexual intercourse is used for the purpose of preventing the continuation of a definitely unwanted potential pregnancy. This study is carried out as descriptive to determine the knowledge and practices of university students about the emergency contraception Material and Methods: In this study, the departments of one of the University faculties and colleges which offer bachelor's degree are categorized by using strafied random sampling method and a total of 6937 students (3831 female and 3106 male) are calculated as a 371 sennior students who were interviewed. University students who have educated the departments of these faculties and collegies were interviewed. Identifying students knowledge and practices on emergency contraception by using questionnaire. Results: According to the results of this research, 70.9% of student had knowledge on oral contraceptives and 45.6% had known the intrauterine device. About 45% of students stated as having a sexual experience and 5.4% of those who had an active sexual life, stated that they use emergency contraceptive methods, mostly oral contraceptives. In the evaluation of the data, percentages, Pearson and Yates chi square and, Fisher chi square statistical methods were used. Conclusion: This study shows that university students are not well informed about this subject and they need further information to use it. Educational interventions that including all health professionals, further studies on the provision of emergency contraception and the widespread availability of a dedicated product would significantly improve the quality of reproductive health services by offering this method in the context of free and informed choice.