Ist-International Congress on Modern Sciences Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Toskent, Özbekistan, 10 - 11 Mayıs 2022, ss.531-540
Vortex Tube (RHVT) is a system that consists of a simple pipe with no moving
parts other than the control valve, which can create the heating and cooling
process using pressurized fluid. Although air is generally used as the
pressurized fluid in these systems, oxygen was used as the pressurized fluid in
this study. In the experimental study, counter-flow RHVT was preferred. The
counterflow RHVT was designed with an inside diameter of 7 mm and a body length
of 100 mm. Two, three, four, five and six orifice nozzles made of aluminum and
brass materials were used in RHVT. During the experiments, the outlet control
valve on the hot fluid side was left in the fully open position. In addition,
while data were taken during the experiments, the inlet pressure was taken by
using pressured oxygen starting from 150 kPa and up to 700 kPa at 50 kPa
intervals. Performance optimization was made by calculating the difference (ΔT)
between the temperature of the hot flow leaving the RHVT (Tsck) and
the temperature of the cold flow leaving (Tsgk). In order to
optimize the performance of RHVT, Linear Regression (LR) and Support Vector
Machines (SVM) methods were used separately from machine learning methods. In
the study, machine learning was applied by using 80% of all data as training
data and 20% of test data in Linear Regression and Support Vector Machines
methods. Estimates were made with the test data using the trained model. The
coefficient of determination R2, which is the measure of the
accuracy values of the test prediction results obtained by using the Linear
Regression and Support Vector Machines methods was calculated. The analysis
results obtained at the end of the study were interpreted.