M.A. Sendur, A.H. Ates, H. Yorgun, U. Canpolat, H. Sunman, E.B. Kaya, G. Sain Guven, K. Aytemir, A. Oto. Impact of metabolic syndrome in control of blood pressure in patients with new onset stage I essential hypertension. Obesity Reviews, 2010;11:S475. Poster Presentation. 7th Metabolic Syndrome Symposium, 29 April–2 May 2010, Antalya.

Canpolat U.

7th Metabolic Syndrome Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, 29 April - 02 May 2010, pp.475

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.475
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes