22nd IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Trabzon, Turkey, 23 - 25 April 2014, pp.1520-1523
In this study, research activities of IONOLAB group on remote sensing and 2-D imaging of ionosphere in the last 10 years will be summarized. In TUBITAK EEEAG 105E171 and 109E055 projects, a novel Total Electron Content (TEC) estimation method, IONOLAB-TEC, is developed using the dual frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) pseudo range and phase delay recordings. The IONOLAB-TEC computation is provided from www.ionolab.org, as an important and unique Space Weather service that can estimate robust, reliable and accurate single station TEC values. The sparse estimates of GPS-TEC in space and time are interpolated regionally and globally and TNPGN-Active IONOLAB-TEC values are mapped using novel space-time interpolation methods. Ionospheric climatic model IRI-Plas is used as a background for fast and robust electron density distributions first time in literature. Critical Ionosperic parameters are interpolated to obtain global and regional distributions. Critical frequency and height maps are provided in www.ionolab.org as another Space Weather Service. The important contributions of IONOLAB group will continue in TUBITAK 112E568 project.