Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, cilt.26, sa.1, ss.117-123, 2018 (Hakemli Dergi)
The current study aimed to elaborate on how work volition of university students associated with proactive personality trait, and to what extent proactive personality predicted work volition. Participants consisted of 352 university students including 242 females and 110 males. Findings demonstrated that male university students had stronger work volition perceptions than female students. Further, a positive, moderate level relationship between work volition and proactive personality was explored, whereas a negative yet significant relationship was detected between participants’ constraints perceptions and proactive personality traits. Regression analysis provided evidence regarding the predictive role of the proactive personality on volition dimension as of 25 % positively, and on constraints dimension as of 9 % negatively. Discussions on results are provided regarding literature, and future research directions are presented.