Rhetorical Structure Appearances in Memoir-Type Text

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Yazıcı N., Kaygısız Ç.

Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.51, no.3, pp.1681-1699, 2022 (ESCI)


Writing skill, which includes many factors and complex processes, is the linguistic skill that receives the lowest amount of support in the out-of-school social context among learning areas. Therefore, practices conducted at schools for the development of writing skills are significant. Such practices are aimed toward students gaining awareness of the functioning of the language system and producing texts that are compatible with discourse features developed in line with communicative purposes. Therefore, theories and approaches that describe how to make choices that match specific text types are an important component of writing education. This study aims to determine the appearance of the units in memoir-type texts that allow tracking the coherence relations on the text surface with the establishment of rhetorical relations between sections of text using the tools of the rhetorical structure theory and review and discuss at an academic level why these tools should be taken into account in the processes of writing education.