in: Globalization of Financial Institutions A Competitive Approach to Finance and Banking Chapter Name Behavioral Approach To Financial Distress And Health , Dinçer,H.; Hacioğlu,U., Editor, Springer, London/Berlin , London, pp.217-233, 2014
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between financial distress and health and financial behaviors among families in Ankara, controlling for socioeconomic characteristics, financial discussion with parents, negative financial events, and risk tolerance. Data was collected through a systematic sample in the neighborhood of Dr. Halil Ulgen Health Center (Mamak-Ankara, N = 600) in summer 2009. Bivariate results showed significant differences in financial distress levels by socioeconomic factors and financial behaviors. In addition, regression analysis showed that saving and self-reported health status was significantly related to financial distress when controlling for other factors.