JOURNAL OF BALTIC SCIENCE EDUCATION, vol.14, no.5, pp.599-606, 2015 (SSCI)
Self-concept, one of affective introductory behaviours, is one of the most frequently studied issues especially in social sciences. Since it is a strong mental structure which psychologists and social psychologists say to be related with learning, this research aims to adapt Chemistry Self-Concept Inventory developed by Bauer (2005) so as to evaluate students' self-concept into Turkish, and analyse its psychometric properties. The data were collected by applying the inventory to 530 prospective teachers attending the chemistry education, primary school education and science education departments of three different Universities. Following the translation work, Turkish form of the inventory was given the final shape. The construct validity of the inventory was tested by confirmatory factor analysis. McDonald's Omega (omega) and Cronbach Alpha (a) coefficients were calculated for the reliability study of the inventory. Fit indices were found to be lower in the first confirmatory factor analysis conducted than the ones expected, and 11 items with the fewest factor loads and with the highest modification indices were removed from the inventory. The sub-dimensions apart from creativity were found to have. and a coefficients above 0.70.