in: Family Demography in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Fertility Preferences, Stuart Gietel-Basten,John Casterline,Minja Kim Choe, Editor, Edward Elgar , Northampton, pp.371-387, 2018
Turkey underwent
substantial social and economic changes in the last century, especially from
1950 onwards. Accordingly, the demographic characteristics of the country have
changed in response to the socio-economic transformation process. As a result,
starting from the second half of the previous century, Turkey experienced a
serious fertility decline. Until the 1970s, the decline was gradual, but since
that time the country has experienced a dramatic decline. During this process, the level of total period fertility declined from a level of 6 or 7 to a value
near to replacement level by the end of the 1990s. Turkey is very close to
completing its fertility transition. The indicators of fertility preferences
have changed in parallel to this process. Since the beginning of 1990, two- to
three-child family size norms have become widespread in Turkey.
the literature, it is stated that the relationship of actual fertility and
desired fertility changes according to what stage a society is at. While in the
early stages of fertility transition fertility preferences are lower than
actual fertility, actual fertility is lower than desired fertility in late and post-transition
societies. Considering these discussions, the study first aims to evaluate the
fertility transition process and changes in fertility preferences in Turkey.
Second, as fertility transition hasn’t occurred simultaneously among
subpopulation groups, the study aims to investigate the relationship between
actual and desired fertility at the sub-population level.