Preying of some species of singing birds in a black pine-cedar-forest in Beytepe near Ankara, Turkey

Turan L., Kiziroglu I.

ANZEIGER FUR SCHADLINGSKUNDE-JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, vol.76, no.6, pp.159-160, 2003 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In the year 2002, in Beytepe, near Ankara, the food spectrum of Great Tit (Parus major), House Sparrow (Passer domesticus),and Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) was determined, using the 'neck-ringing' method. The. food analysis of the bird species mentioned above proved their importance in biological control methods for destruction of organisms harmful for the forest. The proportion of injurious insects in the food spectrum of the bird species investigated is as follows: Starling 60,6 % (n = 20), House Sparrow 56,4 (n = 22) and Great Tit 78,8 % (n = 41).