International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI), vol.8, no.12, pp.17-21, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between high school students’ the academic,
social, and emotional self-efficacy belief and attitudes towards homework. The study sample consists of 454
high school students enrolled. In order to determine high school students’ academic, social, and emotional selfefficacy beliefs, The Adolescent Self-Efficacy Expectation Scale designed by Muris (2001) and adapted to
Turkish by Çelikkaleli, Gündoğdu, and Kıran-Esen (2006) was used in the study. In addition, the Attitude
toward Homework Scale developed by Yücel (2004) and re-designed by Önen and Koçak (2013) was used.It is
found that there is a significant and positive correlation between high school students’ efficacy belief levels and
their attitudes towards homework. Therefore, it can be said that as the high school students’ self-efficacy belief
levels get higher, they have more positive attitudes towards homework.
KEYWORDS:Attitudes towards homework; academic, social, and emo