HASTAPENAK, vol.7, no.2, pp.56-66, 2011 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The historic commercial centers, as one of the major urban elements of an Ottoman city, have been subjected to transformations on social, economic and physical components in built environment for centuries. Hence, the administrative systems composed of public and private actors in Turkey have aimed to determine a proper urban planning process since 1990s as revitalization projects in order to increase the quality of environment and to improve the housing or working standards in historic urban areas. Bursa is one of the historic cities in Turkey that has changed rapidly since the mid of the 19th century by as a result of Tanzimat reforms (1839), while causing improper implementations and permanent problems within the historical commercial center. The continuity of commercial activities and the economic income of the building lots within Bursa Hanlar District respond current demands of renovation, whereas causing an explosion of revitalization projects in urban scale. As being the case, Yeni Galle Pazarı Hanı, located at the east part of the District since 16th century, was chosen to exemplify both conserved and transformed built environment together with its immediate surrounding. Since Bursa Osmangazi Municipality has recently produced a revitalization project, it is aimed to evaluate the current implementations on this historic area and to propose a revitalization project required for the comprehensive regulations and coherent principles on conservation and rehabilitation of Yeni Galle Pazarı Hanı together with its surrounding.