Associations between career adaptability and career decision-making difficulties among Turkish high school students

Karacan-Ozdemir N.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE, vol.19, no.3, pp.475-495, 2019 (SSCI) identifier identifier


The present study examined the influence of career adaptability and gender on career decision-making difficulties among Turkish adolescents. The sample consisted of 702 high school students, 55% girls. The results showed that concern correlated negatively with lack of readiness, but positively with lack of information and inconsistent information. Control was negatively associated only with lack of readiness. Curiosity correlated positively with lack of readiness but negatively with lack of information and inconsistent information. Confidence was unrelated to any difficulties. The model did not change according to gender. These findings can provide guidance for proactive career services in schools.