FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION AND EUROPEAN INITIATIVES TO PROMOTE TEACHING COMPETENCE Fremdsprachliche Lehrerbildung und europäische Initiativen zur Förderung der Lehrkompetenz

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Ünal D. Ç.

8th CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRES Education, Science, Art and Society in the 21th Century: Innovative Approaches and Competencies, Krakow, Poland, 8 - 10 July 2024, pp.46-53

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Krakow
  • Country: Poland
  • Page Numbers: pp.46-53
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes



What makes a good foreign language teaching? Perfect language skills or extensive subject knowledge of

the teacher would not be sufficient for an effective learning process. In contrast to earlier views of

pedagogy and language didactics, the teacher is no longer directly linked to knowledge transfer, but

possesses some properties that can lead to good foreign language teaching. This refers to a range of

pedagogical teaching competencies. If teachers and their training are considered important for good foreign

language teaching, then foreign language didactics should delve into the following questions in more detail:

"How can qualified language teachers be trained, further trained, and developed?", "What teaching

competencies are expected for successful foreign language teaching?", and "How can candidate language

teachers acquire these teaching competencies?" As mentioned earlier, the training and professional

development of foreign language teachers constitutes a major component of the field of foreign language

didactics with its theoretical and practice-oriented dimension. Through training as foreign language

teachers, there will be a development of teaching competencies across multiple dimensions, contributing to

the professionalization of foreign language instruction. The aim of the presentation is therefore to discuss

the current topic of foreign language teacher education and provide some food for thought. First, the

principles for modern foreign language teaching will be briefly outlined. Following this, on one hand,

teacher competencies arising from the current practical field will be presented, and on the other hand,

educational content for a career-oriented and scientifically based university foreign language teacher

training. The following points will be briefly touched upon:

- The communicative turn in foreign language teaching and the political turn in European foreign language


- Discussions and problems in the context of foreign language didactics,

- Reforms, restructuring, and recommendations regarding foreign language teacher education,

- Professional orientation, competence orientation, quality orientation, orientation towards educational

standards, and teacher professionalization in the field of foreign language teacher training.

Furthermore, the presentation addresses how teaching competencies can be developed. In this regard,

European initiatives to improve teaching competency are briefly introduced: The European Portfolio for

Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) and The European Profiling Grid (EPG).

Keywords, -concepts: Foreign language didactics Foreign language teacher education, Teaching

competencies, The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, The European Profiling Grid.