This study proposed Hibiscus sabdariffa as a novel substrate for BC production with Komagataeibacter species and their consortia. K. intermedius is found as the most efficient producer (5.98 g/L BC, 3.56 x 10(-2) g(-1) h(-1) productivity rate) following K. maltaceti (4.44 g/L BC, 2.64 x 10(-2) g(-1) h(-1) productivity rate) and K. nataicola (3.67 g/L BC, 2.18 x 10(-2) g(-1) h(-1) productivity rate). Whereas agitation increased BC production with K. nataicola (1.22-fold, 4.49 g/L BC), K. maltaceti (1.24-fold, 5.52 g/L BC) and K. intermedius (1.27-fold, 7.63 g/L BC), irregular shaped BC was obtained. This could be a novel result as Komagataeibacter consortia increased BC production by 1.17-2.01-fold compared to monocultures resulting as 8.11 g/L BC through the co-cultivation of K. maltaceti-K. intermedius. Maximum increase was found to be 1.75-fold (1.79-fold WHC), occurring with monoculture of K. maltaceti, while 1.94-fold (1.26-fold WHC) with K. maltaceti-K. intermedius consortium when H. sabdariffa-based media compared Hestrin-Schramm media. Based on these results, this could be a novel result as H. sabdariffa-based media may replace the use of HS media in BC production by means of a bioactive content-rich plant and obtaining 3-D ultrafine porous structure with high thermal resistant (similar to 460-500 degrees C) BC with mono and co-cultivation of Komagataeibacter species to be used in industrial area.