The Views of Elementary Supervisors on Teachers' Competencies

Akbasli S.

EGITIM ARASTIRMALARI-EURASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, vol.10, no.39, pp.13-36, 2010 (SSCI) identifier identifier


Problem Statement: In education, teachers should have competencies in certain fields to assist students in attaining a desired level. The term "competence" means an ability to carry out a task or a responsibility. The competencies of a teacher can be classified as field knowledge, general knowledge, and pedagogic formation. The contribution of elementary supervisors, whose tasks include guiding teachers towards the improvement of their competencies, is of great importance. Today, the role of supervisors is one of guidance rather than of inspection, and the recommendations and views of supervisors are important in order to evaluate teachers and aid their development. This research attempts to discover the views of supervisors towards teachers and discusses their suggestions regarding teacher improvement.