Factors Associated With Response to Therapy and Outcome of Patients With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis With Features of Autoimmune Hepatitis

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Ozaslan E., Efe C., Heurgue-Berlot A., KAV T., Masi C., Purnak T., ...More

CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, vol.12, no.5, pp.863-869, 2014 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


BACKGROUND & AIMS: For patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) with features of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) alone or in combination with immunosuppression is controversial. Little is known about the factors associated with initial response to therapy or outcome. We performed a retrospective analysis of treatment strategies and factors associated with outcomes of patients with PBC-AIH.