DİYALOG. Interkulturelle Zeitschrift für Germanistik, vol.9, no.1, pp.250-272, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Promotion of academic writing competence in German Teacher Education Programs
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how the academic German text competence of pre-service
German teachers being trained in universities can be developed with a process-oriented learning
environment where the content of the teaching program, they are subject to, is integrated. Within this
context, in this study, a detailed explanation will be provided as to how the practices with regard to the
development of this key skill which is of great importance for learning success can be integrated and
applied in the “Academic German” elective course in current German Teaching Program. This study
presents a variety of samples that are designed for the purpose of developing the academic text
competence of pre-service German teachers based on the principle of process-orientation and the in-class
procedures of the three stage model that was developed by Schmölzer-Eibinger (2007) for the
improvement of text competence. With the use of the presented teaching examples, a text work mechanism is set in motion that stimulates and intensifies those cognitive processes that are particularly
productivity-enhancing and effective in learning when dealing with texts. In order to be able to prepare
the students of the German language teaching for the content knowledge of the teacher training program,
it is necessary to make the know-how of the text production available to them through the undergraduate