Is injury part of sports? A children’s rights perspective

Türkeri Bozkurt H., Bulgu N.

INTERNATIONAL REVIEW FOR THE SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT, vol.55, no.1, pp.98-114, 2020 (SSCI) identifier


In recent years the violation of children’s rights in sports and sports injuries have become very important research areas in their own right. There are also some studies which touch upon the significant link between the two areas. However, the research that has been undertaken dealing with the relationship between the violation of child rights and sports injuries has been very limited. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to: (a) examine the injury experiences of children who continue to receive training in volleyball as licensed athletes; (b) determine the violation of rights that have arisen in this process; and (c) explore the link between injury and violation of children’s rights. Research data were collected via in-depth interviews with 21 young volleyball players, both male and female, and data analysis was conducted using the interpretative phenomenological analysis method. This study concludes that athletes are exposed to violation of rights in various forms that lead to injury. It is hypothesized that the results of this study will be taken into consideration in policy development and training planning with regard to the violation of child rights. Hence it is believed that it will increase awareness in practice.