Technical Assistance for Increasing Adaptability of Employees and Employers with a Social Dialogue Approach

Işık V.

AB IPA Projesi, 2016 - 2017

  • Proje Türü: AB IPA Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Nisan 2016
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 2017

Proje Özeti

This Final Report covers the Technical Assistance for Increasing Adaptability of Employees and Employers with a Social Dialogue Approach project􀂶s progress from its inception on 18 April 2016 until completion on 18 December 2017. The Project started slowly during the early phase of its 20 months of operation. It began with a focus on analysis, research and design carrying out careful needs assessment to help preparation of training modules and materials. During the first few months the new TAT was assembled (KE2 left and was replaced) and with the support NNKEs started the implementation of the biggest project activity (in terms of training days and numbers of training participants) in month 6. By Month 10, the Advanced Training Activity started in parallel. Later after more detailed planning and preparation, the two other main activities started in months 13 and 14 respectively.

Result 1 Adaptability Capacity of HAK-􀃸􀃹 a􀁑􀁇 M􀁨S􀃸AD 􀁚a􀁖 􀁌􀁑c􀁕􀁈a􀁖􀁈􀁇. This Result covered the Labour Life Skills Training, Sector Adaptation Training and Study Visit to Europe Activities. Together these activities (not including the Study Visit to Italy) resulted in the training of 7,433 participants in 97 training days in 15 cities covering 18 training modules with an overall 92% satisfaction rate. The sector position papers covering key seven major Turkey Sectors provide a clear roadmap necessary to be taken to face up to the challenges of globalisation and changing technology and the skills gaps which need to be addressed. The study visit to Italy in May 2017 was useful in demonstrating to HAK- 􀃸􀃹 and M􀁨S􀃸AD participants good practice in social dialogue through the existence of bilateral bodies (Bilateralism, through social dialogue and not conflict, has brought guarantees and assurances within micro and small businesses for the benefit of both workers and entrepreneurs). Through these trainings and this visit (and the other study visits to Europe), the adaptability capacity of HAK-􀃸􀃹 and M􀁨S􀃸AD was increased. Social dialogue in terms of developing capacity building of trade unions, increasing the knowledge and skills of HAK-􀃸􀃹 and M􀁨S􀃸AD, especially with the LLST and SAT, by elaborating on social policies on a regular basis including sector specific policies and industrial relations issues.

Result 2 Capacity of HAK-􀃸􀃹 􀁌􀁑 P􀁒􀁏􀁌c􀁜 Development and Lifelong Learning was increased.

This Result focused on HAK-􀃸􀃹 participation and covered the Advanced Training Programme(ATP), the 8 Workshops for Trade Union Staff and Trade Union Leaders activities, Two Study Visits to Europe (Sweden and Hungary) and Policy Development support to HAK-􀃸􀃹. Together (excluding the study visits) these activities resulted in the training/participation of 1,053 participants in 242 training days in eight cities with an overall satisfaction rate of 95% satisfaction rate. The ATP was an intensive programme for participants covering 12 subjects in 13 days but proved to very popular with participants, including English language training. This Programme resulted in marriage between two participants who had not met before, but emotions were mixed with the sad news of the bereavement of trainee Hüseyin Birinci who passed away during the 16th Term of ATP. We offer our sincere condolences to his family. The study visit to Sweden, a country with one of the highest trade union participation rates, offered many learning points for future reference and use. A further study visit, to Hungary was carried out on 03-09 December 2017. There were many learning points, including the opportunity to learn first-hand the experience of provision of Trade Union Training centres.

Result 3: Public Awareness on the importance of improving the adaptability, qualifications and competence

This Result covered the activities regarding the Opening and Closing meetings, the Industrial Relations Paper, the Project website and the implementation of the project communication and visibility plan. Together the Opening and Closing meetings were successfully attended by over 500 participants, with high ministerial and VIP presences and extensive media coverage. The achievements of the Project were well documented and communicated to a wide audience. The Project Web-site was visited extensively, and the Facebook page has stimulated considerable interest from the target groups. The Industrial Relations Paper bringing together all the project outputs and achievements encapsulates the overall success of the Project. Consequently, the project is considered successful in the context of the feedback from the training participants, the views of the Operation Monthly Management Meeting Member Institutions including the Beneficiary, Co-beneficiary, Contracting Authority and EU Delegation indicate that the Project is considered as a lighthouse project. Hope for sustainability is highly justified by the handover of the high- quality training modules, to be used by HAK-􀃸􀃹 in its Labour Life Skills and Research Centre (refurbished and equipped through the 9 3 pcs supply contracts of the Project) and by M􀁨S􀃸AD in their future trainings of members. In addition, the technical and life skills training provided to over 7,500 training participants contributes to the sustainability. It is important however that these materials and skills are continuously upgraded to ensure that Turkey can face up to the challenges ahead. Perhaps the biggest impact the Project has made is that social dialogue has been enhanced at local level in the Provinces and the adaptability capability of workers and employers has been enhanced, especially in the Project Cities. In terms of issues, the main lesson learned is to anticipate potential problems and have a plan B. This was done wherever events were foreseeable. However, the concentration of activities towards the end of the Project proved to be demanding.