Hybrid Training Practices in Technical Drawing Teaching

Karabulut Ş. (Yürütücü)

Erasmus Projesi, 2024 - 2027

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Temmuz 2024
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Nisan 2027

Proje Özeti

The technical drawing is a vocational communication tool between workers, technicians, engineers, etc., and is kept as a written record of the planning process. Since a drawing is worth thousands of words, a technical drawing contains much more than a written plan for designers, workers, technicians, engineers, etc. A technical drawing prepared based on standards is the most essential factor in enabling manufacturers to create objects without errors, reworks, and scrap problems. Therefore, since the ability to prepare/read/interpret a drawing is the basis of good vocational and technical education, engineering knowledge, and manufacturing expertise, technical drawing is one of the compulsory and must-know courses for all students. However, although there are many learning tools, students still face difficulties in understanding the complex concepts of technical drawings. The underlying reason for these difficulties is directly related to students' ability to visualize three-dimensional objects and assign appropriate dimensions to represented objects.

The issue of lack of technical drawing skills includes more than just course content. To put it more clearly, the subject of technical drawing is directly related to visual intelligence and this determines the multidimensional thinking and design abilities. Individuals who combine their imagination and technical drawing skills play a role in the design and development of new products. Technical drawings prepared based on international standards eliminate design-induced production losses. Likewise, it is important for technical drawings to be handled by professionally and technically competent employees to remove the above-mentioned errors. In addition, incorrectly prepared or understanding of the drawings during the manufacturing line will also damage the brand value of the products produced. Thus, to develop a qualified workforce, export products, and become a leader in the world market, it should be focus on more specific and critical issues in the field of VET. However, today's curriculum in VET does not adapt to the rapid development of working life, so the manufacturing sector does not have the application skills it demands. This has led to the necessity of updating the appropriate programs and curricula.

The lack of adequate practical training in VET has been one of the most significant concerns impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, the curricula must be updated to include the VET laboratories into the Industry 4.0 paradigm and to be accessible (appealing to all persons) at all times.

The project should be funded because this project aims to increase awareness of human-based errors and improve the efficient usage of natural resources for a green future by reducing manufacturing failures. The scrap and rework rates in the manufacturing industry will be reduced by the well-trained VET graduates who are trained with digital training content in accordance with the requirements of the era.