SPIDME (SPIntronic Devices for Molecular Electronics)

Maruccio G.(Yürütücü), Arifioğlu T.

6. Çerçeve Programı Projesi, 2006 - 2010

  • Proje Türü: 6. Çerçeve Programı Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Kasım 2006
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Haziran 2010

Proje Özeti

The SpiDME (Spintronic Devices for Molecular Electronics) project aims both at the understanding of the interaction between the electron spin and its solid-state environment and at the fabrication of a new generation of molecular spin devices, which exploit the spin degree of freedom to store, carry and manipulate information.

Spin and molecular electronics will be merged in the present project, with a view to expand the frontiers of current knowledge and deepen our fundamental understanding of spin transport phenomena at the molecular level. This would also pave the way to the fabrication of conceptually new devices at the interface between molecular electronics and spintronics, exploiting spin transport in molecules and molecular magnets.

Our approach can be considered as a potential "step forward" in the direction of future nanoelectronics. It has a clear advantage with respect to classical 'scaling down' solutions for spintronics: it builds electronic elements by using elementary functional units (molecules or nanometer scale clusters) that can be, to a large extent, engineered to match the requirements of the particular spin-application.