Development of Preschool Physical Activity Program for Strengthening of Grasroots Sports in EU

Bulca Y., Demirhan G., Akyar Ö. Y.

Erasmus Projesi, 2018 - 2019

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 2018
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 2019

Proje Özeti

The titles and dates of the work packages realized within the scope of the project are as follows.• WP-1: Current Situation And Needs Analysis Study (Feb.18- Nov.18)• WP-2: Development of the Preschool Physical Activity Program (Nov.18- Apr.19)• WP-3: Pilot Scheme of the Preschool Physical Activity Program (Apr.19-.Oct19)• WP-4: Project Management Activities (Jan.18-Dec.19)Transnational meetings with the scope, locations and dates below were held for the implementation and follow-up of the current work packages.• Kick-off Meeting (Istanbul, Turkey)• 1.Workshop (Padova, Italy)• 2.Workshop (Bratislava, Slovakia)• Evaluation Meeting (Kazanlak, Bulgaria)• Final Meeting (Istanbul, Turkey)• Multiplier Event (Istanbul, Turkey) The applied work packages are detailed as follows and realized accordingly.WP-1: Current Situation And Needs Analysis Study (Feb.18- Nov.18)1.1. Preliminary Studies for Needs Analysis (Desk work)1.2. Literature Research (Desk work)1.3. Conducting the surveys and interviews with target groups (Field Work)1.4. Taking the opinions of relevant stakeholders and evaluating the findings (Focus Group Meetings)1.5. Preparing the Needs Assessment Report (IO-1)WP-2: Development of Fun-Based Preschool Physical Activity Program (Nov.18- Apr.19)2.1. Activities for Development of Preschool Physical Activity Program 2.1.1. Defining the scope of the Program 2.1.2. Development of the Syllabus2.2. Development of training modules, tools, materials and resources for volunteers and trainers2.3. Development of practice resources for family members and other related people2.4. Creating of digital contents2.5. Development of interactive web platform and mobile applicationWP-3: Pilot Scheme of the Preschool Physical Activity Program (Jun.19-Oct.19)A pilot scheme was implemented to test the Preschool Physical Activity Program. Each project partner planned and coordinated an online pilot learning activity by using an interactive web platform in its own country. SVA implemented the pilot scheme with both online and traditional learning methods. Before implementing the pilot, each project partner organized local awareness seminars for target groups. Also, each project partner supported the digital campaign launched by SVA through social and digital media tools. Each project partner accepted applications via the web platform and selected 30 participants. Participants registered via web platform and completed the online training course. Each project partner organised a face-to-face interview (or video conference) with 6 participants who completed the online training. Feedback was received about the online training program from these participants. Feedback results were sent from project partners to SVA. SVA prepared a “Pilot Scheme Report” using the results. This Report was the third and final intellectual output (IO-3) of the project.WP-4: Project Management Activities (Jan.18-Dec.19)4.1. Activities for communication with partners4.2. Activities related to the financial and administrative management4.3. Activities for transnational project meetings4.4. Multiplier events in Turkey4.5. Traditional and digital dissemination activities4.6. Preparing of “Project Final Report”With the implementation of the project work packages stated above, the following intellectual outputs were developed.Intellectual OutputsIO-1: Needs Analysis ReportIO-2: Preschool Physical Activity Program (Main Intellectual Output) • Syllabus • Guidelines • Lesson Plans • Activity Plans • Reading Resources • Presentations • Instructional and Training Videos • Interactive Web and Mobile-Based Training Modules • Interactive Training Materials • Interactive Assessment Tools IO-3: Pilot Scheme Report