Utku H. (Yürütücü), Alkar A. Z.
TÜBİTAK Projesi, 2020 - 2022
Currently, innovative design and applications for monitoring, instrumentation and control (I&C) of nuclear power plants are being put into practice both in renovation works of generation II reactors as well as in new generation reactors. Among those applications, the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a technology that is suitable for the diversity criteria of nuclear plant security and protection systems, and are resistant to cyber-attacks. Because of their parallel processing capabilities, it is expected that FPGAs make controlling systems react much faster and make much easier for the reactor to remain within security limits.
In this context, the aim of this project is a real-time FPGA-based control simulation using the Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) technique. International guidelines such as NUREG/CR-7006 and EPRI-TR-1019181 form the basis containing the requirements for implementation of all basic processes for FPGA-based nuclear power plant I&C systems. In accordance with the procedure, ability of the FPGA-based control to stabilize the nuclear reactor will be tested in a near-realistic manner, evaluating the processing rate, timing and other aspects of the received signal. In this context, Hardware-in-the Loop (HIL) technique will be used for FPGA-based control because it provides an on-site testing environment similar to a real environment.
A target platform-in-the-loop with I/O modules must be used to implement the nuclear reactor transient model in real time and FPGA controller tests must be performed in that loop. In this respect, the project will also constitute a start-up for the nuclear power plant training simulator. Physical system will be represented by mathematical models utilizing a state variable lumped parameter approach. H∞ norm robust control model will be used for the control algorithm. The model is a pressurized water reactor (PWR) with which the VVER type reactors to be constructed in Turkey can also be simulated.