E. TURGUT Et Al. , "A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping," JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE , vol.24, no.3, pp.426-430, 2019
TURGUT, E. Et Al. 2019. A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE , vol.24, no.3 , 426-430.
TURGUT, E., YILDIZ, T. İ., ERASLAN, L. S., DEMİRCİ, S., HURİ, G., TURHAN, E., ... DÜZGÜN, İ.(2019). A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE , vol.24, no.3, 426-430.
TURGUT, ELİF Et Al. "A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping," JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE , vol.24, no.3, 426-430, 2019
TURGUT, ELİF Et Al. "A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping." JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE , vol.24, no.3, pp.426-430, 2019
TURGUT, E. Et Al. (2019) . "A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping." JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE , vol.24, no.3, pp.426-430.
@article{article, author={ELİF TURGUT Et Al. }, title={A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping}, journal={JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE}, year=2019, pages={426-430} }