E. KERMELI, "Children treated as Commodity in Ottoman Crete," In The Ottoman Empire Myths Realities and Black Holes , İstanbul: İsis Press, 2006, pp.269-283.
KERMELI, E. Children treated as Commodity in Ottoman Crete. 2006. In The Ottoman Empire Myths Realities and Black Holes , İsis Press, İstanbul, 269-283.
KERMELI, E., (2006). Children treated as Commodity in Ottoman Crete. The Ottoman Empire Myths Realities and Black Holes (pp.269-283), İstanbul: İsis Press.
KERMELI, EVGENİA. "Children treated as Commodity in Ottoman Crete." In The Ottoman Empire Myths Realities and Black Holes , 269-283. İstanbul: İsis Press, 2006
KERMELI, EVGENİA K. . "Children treated as Commodity in Ottoman Crete." The Ottoman Empire Myths Realities and Black Holes , İsis Press, 2006, pp.269-283.
KERMELI, E. (2006) "Children treated as Commodity in Ottoman Crete", The Ottoman Empire Myths Realities and Black Holes . İstanbul: İsis Press.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={EVGENİA KERMELİ ÜNAL}, chaptertitle={Children treated as Commodity in Ottoman Crete}, booktitle={ The Ottoman Empire Myths Realities and Black Holes}, publisher={İsis Press}, city={İstanbul},year={2006} }